Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Christopher Hitchens to debate Dinesh D'Souza in Ellisville, MS

There is going to be a debate at the Jones County Jr. College in Ellisville, MS next Monday. I am too far away to be there for it, but these two men have debated before and there is video of their debates. Christopher Hitchens is the author of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Dinesh D'Souza on the other hand is a professing Christian and strong supporter of the Religious Right.

I have watched the video below that I have embedded. It's a very interesting video which shows the different issues that Christians and Atheists deal with constantly. I am including this video on this site because it is always important for us as believers to know what we believe and why we believe it. One of the problems I saw in D'Souza's arguments for Christianity was that he does not hold to a literal view of Scripture. Because of this, there were many times in which it appeared that Hitchens had a more convincing argument. Our view of the inerrant and infallability of the Word of God is of extreme importance as we seek to declare the glory of God to the world, because it is through Jesus Christ that God has revealed His glory and it is through the written record of the Word of God that we are led to Jesus Christ and the revelation of God through Him. Therefore, D'Souza's arguments are not as compelling as they could be had he had a stronger affirmation of the literal inerrancy of the Word.

Still, overall, he had many great points to make against atheism.
Just, remember, I do not endorse the theological views of either person, especially that of Christopher Hitchens.

Christopher Hitchens and Dinesh D'Souza at CU Boulder from Justin Leddick on Vimeo.